That Naples Wedding August 16 1954

Anna married Robert in Naples after a six week whirlwind romance after meeting in Rome outside the American Express office near the Trevi Fountain in Rome. There were two witnesses - Jack and June Dunbar - at the two ceremonies - one with a US Navy Chaplain and one in Naples town Hall at the Bureau of Marriages. Neither Robert nor Anna informed their parents about the wedding.


These photos were taken at the Town Hall by Jack Dunbar. The typed commentary by either Anna or Robert or both of them was designed to go in sequence with the eight photographs. One gets the impression that this was in part how the happy couple informed their respective parents across the water in the USA of the happy occasion.


Rather amazingly Al found one the dresses that Anna wore at those weddings at Christ Church in Naples -  so long ago. Still in beautiful condition, all hand sown.

The wedding dress Anna wore at the second ceremony in Naples at the Anglican Christ Church on Via San Pasquale a Chiaia.
The wedding dress Anna wore at the second ceremony in Naples at the Anglican Christ Church on Via San Pasquale a Chiaia.
An out take from the chosen sequence of photos. This one shows the church backdrop more.
An out take from the chosen sequence of photos. This one shows the church backdrop more.