Tributes from friends, colleagues and family

If I had a picture of some night scented stocks I'd call these 'stock photos'. They are from the garden at Brown Cottage.
If I had a picture of some night scented stocks I'd call these 'stock photos'. They are from the garden at Brown Cottage.

These are extracts from tributes and memories from Anna's friends and colleagues. We have identified the extracts by initials only. They were added more or less in the order they arrived.

I often think of her, and of our rich friendship, and not long ago I came upon the photos which we took on our Cretan adventure - she particularly enjoying the flowers, and I the ancient sites and artefacts. Anna was a wonderful friend to so many, and to none more than to me. As well as our happy meetings, our love of art and our shared sense of humour, she helped me to learn to deal with the challenges of life, and I can still hear her saying, 'I will be holding you steadily in my thoughts' if ever an especially daunting obstacle seemed to be lying across my path.


She was indeed a lovely gracious woman, very determined, wise, and with a wonderful sense of fun. We remember the resilience she showed before your father’s final illness, and also his memorial service at the Quaker meeting house. “When the Saints go marching in”. We are glad that her final year was in such congenial surroundings, which we are sure that even with advancing loss of capacity, she would have appreciated.


She was compassionate, she brought her twinkling eye and her lovely chuckle to many a little nudge that gave us an insight into ourselves that we didn't even know we were looking for ... She just did so much for us - asking nothing in return ... inviting us over for lovely home-cooked meals which she would serve up in her confident, unhurried style (broccoli with kumquats we had never encountered before and probably never will again!) and sharing her life while she gave her full attention to the things that were occupying our minds.



She was as you say in your letter a wonderful woman who I got to know through our work together at the ... Centre and when she worked at the Surgery ;



Her generosity, warmth and openness made a terrible situation just a bit more possible to bear. She scarcely knew me but gave everything that was needed.



The Anna I knew was always gracious and lovely and she was a huge source of support, wisdom and inspiration for me as a person and as a young mother. I loved her very much and will always treasure her memory.



Anna was always so full of enthusiasm for life and a great campaigning lady especially at Linton, always campaigning for the underdog and quietly but firmly righting wrongs.



D has just been by the door (not allowed to come in due to restrictions)  telling me the sad news that your mother has passed away. I am so sorry to hear. She was a very lucky woman to have such a lovely and loyal family who had been faithful to her to the very end and I am sure that she was grateful for that. May she rest in peace.



Anna was so important to so many people and I’m so lucky to have been one of them. From the Christmas presents from England as children so beautifully wrapped which included a set of watercolors that I had for years to my later years knowing her and Robert.



She was a truly remarkable lady. She was compassionate and had such moral integrity. Her intellect sparkled and Al and I never tired of her stories and hearing of her connections with the Literary giants she knew...She has left a huge hole in so many people’s lives



My prayers are with you and your brothers and all the family. Such sad news in such strange times. Anna was an inspiration to me, and I am sure to many others.



Go gently dear Anna in the spirit in which  you have lived your long and gracious life; bringing light  and life to all who have been blessed  as a companion on your journey. With my love



We shared a love of baseball - and Anna greatly enjoyed the Red Sox’s World Series wins after so many years in the wilderness.



I remember visiting your mother in Oxford on my first trip to England (and seeing her some years later in Maine) and feeling the warmth, joy and sense of wonder that just radiated from her whenever she was around.  Her love of language and the natural world and the joy she took from lifelong learning have clearly been passed down through the generations ... I think you know Anna had a special influence on my mother thanks to the time she lived with your family, and of course Dad connected with her because of their shared passion for poetry. 



She was a delightful friend & neighbour, full of life & bustling activity. She has been missed in the street ever since her illness took her away.



Anna became full of life again. Travelling, dancing, living life to the full [… ] She was a strikingly good looking woman who dressed with flair and imagination …but the centre of her focus and her life were you five children. She was so immensely proud of your achievements and your characters … and she loved her grandchildren dearly …


She was my dear friend and neighbour and I shall miss her



She was a wonderful woman and made an important contribution to the therapeutic services in Oxford. She was such a large personality and was very generous with her time and energy. We had some lovely times in the garden at [her house]. She most impressed me when she offered to go out with me so I could practice parking after I had just passed my driving test the 9th time I tried. We did go out and it was quite funny. I was impressed with her bravery and her belief in my abilities.



We were so lucky, that having, in 1971, moved to new jobs in Cambridge, we were taken into the warmth, wisdom and wit of the Murray household. Anna was at the centre of the home, so welcoming, intelligent, capable and funny. Like many other youngish ( and new ) members of the History and other Humanities departments, we loved going to eat in Linton and to sit round discussing every subject under the sun. Going to the cottage in Wales was always fun and your parents generosity meant that we and our family went there on several occasions.



Anna was an enormously important colleague to me when we were working at the Isis Centre in the 80s and 90s and a very kind friend to me, particularly when I was going through my divorce. She used to let me borrow her car when mine collapsed and I couldn't afford to replace it for 3 years which was invaluable as I still had children to ferry around. Her energy for life was inspirational and her insights into her therapeutic work were always enlivening. We enjoyed working together.



We spent many happy times together, often visiting gardens, and she gave me one of my first garden design commissions. She also inspired my first exhibition of paintings which I called Anna’s Meadow.

 I remember particularly one week-end when they came out to our house at Swavesey, in the Fens, where we lived then, to show us how to prune our soft fruit bushes followed by a lingering summer tea party in the orchard of our garden. I have never forgotten it and always think of Robert when I get my shears out to prune our bushes. 


Anna was a wonderful woman and we have the fondest memories of happy times spent at your house in Linton, which was warmed by her personality and where we enjoyed such marvellous hospitality. I remember bringing out a school friend mine who had never met your family before and his raptures afterwards about the intensely civilised and beneficent atmosphere that Anna generated around herself. Alas, we saw her only infrequently after the move to Oxford ... but even then, so late in her life, she radiated her qualities of charm, humour, empathy and, there is no other word for it, goodness.



I'm sure it gives you great comfort that Anna was never 'fenced in,' even in the 3 years at the care home, where she obviously enjoyed the garden and the freedom there. I also liked the fact that there was no 'stranger,' leading the service. I thought it particularly fitting for it all to be done by her children and grandchildren who were obviously her world. She would have been so very proud of you all.



The times you were in Cae Rhys were fantastic, especially the one Christmas when Anna came down around ten in the morning ( bird watching) me baking mince pies while Anna drank neat whiskey and me with my vodka + lemonade .  Happy days. Never had a Christmas like it !!



Anna was indeed a remarkable woman who touched so many lives with her grace, sensitivity and generosity of spirit. I shall always treasure my memories of times spent in the houses at Linton and North Wales where your mother and father were such wonderfully generous, life-enhancing hosts.



Thank you so much for sharing all this with us ... I knew about the Naples wedding but had not seen photographs before ... I so much enjoyed Robert and Anna's hospitality in Linton in the early 1970s.

So many other memories. I am sad that I didn't see her more recently in Oxford.



 I very much valued Anna’s friendship during that term, sharing experiences and getting to know each other as women rather than as wives and mothers.


Your mom bought the dress I wore for my clingstone wedding reception when Daniel and I got married in 1998. We found it at a T.J. Maxx store. She also taught me how to row a rowboat in 1997. i do have some nice pictures of her at the reception and of course we spent a lot of time together out there. We also had a lot of time a lot of fun with Joanie.



Thank you so much for your letter ... Anna was a special lady who really stood out from the crowd. She was wise, gracious and immensely thoughtful and kind. My wife ...adored Anna and we were so saddened to hear of her passing.


J and M D

It made me remember how wonderful – and wonderfully supportive – she was. Hers was a life well lived and it’s clear that she was much loved by you all and many others. I know that like us all that she had her own demons but it looks like she vanquished them.



I wish I could draw. If I could, I would draw us walking around Chelsea Flower Show in funny hats, desperately and helplessly trying to get our mobile phones to work!



Anne and Aussie and my brother Bob (Robert L) and I spend much time together summers in Newport, we lived three houses to the north. I remember many pleasant evenings playing board games in their house. I remember one called Gusher, which had little oil rigs and we tried to find oil! We also sailed a lot together. I had a secret crush on Anne (what guy wouldn't) but we just stayed good friends. I always thought she was about the most beautiful girl I had ever known!



The memory of Anna that comes immediately to my mind is one of gentle grace, and graciousness, and hospitality. It is many years since we lived in Hilltop Road on a permanent basis, but the one unmissable occasion was always Christmas, and Christmas meant carol-singing at neighbours' houses on Christmas Eve, and number 28 was always one of our longest stops. Anna's welcome (and your's) was unfailingly warm-hearted and generous and it added still more joy to our singing (and I have to say that she also nourished our singing in the most concrete way).
Nor were her welcome and warmth limited to Christmas, on the contrary.

She was a dear friend to our parents, and especially I think to our mother - the two always seemed to me to be kindred souls. But I also know that her visits were a great comfort to our father following our mother's demise, and especially in his own final years.



Henry often referred to [Anna] as his Irish twin since they were not only close in age but in soul. 
I know they are both smiling down upon you and your families.

She was ... a truly remarkable woman. There was no-one like Anna – deeply insightful, wise, thoughtful, sensitive, caring, self-sacrificing for others in really practical ways and enormous fun! There aren’t words adequate to describe the really genuine and uniquely special person she was, who lived a real life in a real world. Each of us and the universe is better and richer and more whole because of her.


I cannot tell you how deeply glad and grateful I am to have had Anna in my life and what a profound difference she made in supporting me through daily phone calls through the period following Roger’s death. I would not have come through anywhere near as whole without her. Love for her will live on in my heart for ever.



I have vivid memories of her and your family when all of you, as well as my beloved Evie and our children, lived for a year in Linton ... I hate to think that your mother is no longer with us ... [We]cherished Anna and Robert, and we were always delighted when both families could do things together ... I will miss your mother very much.



It is many years ago that Anna and I did T'ai Chi together, but the beauty of her body and soul I'll never forget.



Anna was a truly remarkable woman, so intelligent, perceptive, enabling and encouraging to so many of us. It was she who persuaded me to join OXPIP at just the right moment in my career and she was so supportive of me in my role.



Both C and I want to send our love and respect and our wonderful memories of Anna ... we remember her with so much pride and love


A and C W

For so many years without fail Anna came to support our Bartlemas fund raising concerts, and she was a constant beam of light, calm and gracefulness. Concerts were not the same without her presence.


C and S

I particularly enjoyed going with her every year to the OXPIP event at Merton College. She always organised a lovely gathering of people and co-ordinated our contributions of food to ensure a delicious feat in the interval.


A and R S

I remember he as a calming and cheerful voice at through difficult times at OXPIPs.



What a loss though for everyone. Anna was such vibrant and positive person; I learnt a huge amount from her and cherished working alongside her at the Isis Centre ... she had such a generosity of spirit and such a wonderful sense of humour that helped us through difficult times at OXPIP.



Nina and I are 88 and 90 and our recollections are fun but do wander around a bit. 


Nina says that her feet have never been as cold as the were at your house in Wales.  It was Thanksgiving and Anna did a pheasant and parsnips.  We think it was 1976 and some of you must have been around for a nice walk up the hill.


Bob and I were classmates class of '51 at Yale and found ourselves  members of a senior society, Elihu.  


Nina and I were married and went to London ... Somehow we put bikes on a train for Cambridge and found and met Bob and Anna.  We don't remember the town, Linton came later with trips on a little boat ...

Sometime we visited Newport in the summer and there must have been some of you around, we're fuzzy.  The same four of us, quiet, comfortable, fun, relationship.  And the Brooklin gathering was wonderful.
R and N B